Monday, March 3, 2008


It's going to be a hectic week. It's going to be uphill all the way.

Just got scolded by my gym buddy gf for my poor gym attendance. I seemed to have gradually reduced our usual twice weekly workout to just once a week for the past 2 weeks because of work and stuff. Then this week, it's I-CAN'T-MAKE-IT for all days.

Usual gym days, tues and Fri, taken over by work. Tues to accompany clients to a concert at VCH. Fri will be an overnight round island trip. Then there will be the usual mad rush to complete my work before I go for a break next week.

It's going to be a lonely week too. Ed will be going to China tomorrow for an entire week and V Jun returning to Malaysia for a month. Qy's is going to be at my mom's place. I'll be all alone at home.

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