Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Baking with Shatec

Got professional chef from Shatec to come teach the students baking. I sat in to supervise and benefitted greatly from the class. I have learnt:
- Be it cookies or cupcakes, once it's out of the oven, remove from the metal cooking tin immediately. Keeping it in the tin will allow the cookie/cupcake to be overcook, be exposed to water moisture at the base, resulting in a hollow (ugly) base. in the case of cookies, won't be crunchy anymore.
- Never over whisk the batter. max 4 mins. Over whisking will separate the oil out of the batter and the cupcake won't rise up.
- trick to adding fresh fruits e.g. blueberries, bananas, in the cupcakes. Cut into very small pieces so that it won't be too heavy and end up sinking to the bottom. Blot dry, sprinkle some flour if necessary to remove excess moisture.
- If trying to create oreo flavoured cupcakes, never sprinkle the oreo biscuit crumps/powder on the top. Colour of the oreo powder makes the cupcakes look as though it's mouldy. Unappitising.