Went on a 5D holiday on the Royal Caribbean cruise with Ed and Qy. It was our first trip away as a family. Just the 3 of us and it was great spending quality time with Qy. I've been always busy with work and my own stuff, and I know I have been rather hands-off with her. Sometimes even think that I'm better off working fulltime than taking care of her. But this trip had proven me wrong. Ed and I took care of her without helper and it was good. Cruising was considered a new experience for me. The last cruise that either Ed or i took was 2 decades ago. Cruise, although an oversea trip, is so different from taking a flight. All customs procedures are done on board (ie don't get to see custom officers stamp our passports which QY was looking forward to). We surrender our passports upon boarding the vessel, in exchange for a seapass. Seapass is used as a key card, credit card (for all payment made on board), as well as identity card. We disembark at Phuket and Langkawi without passports. For some unknown reasons, we received a custom stamp in our passport for Phuket but not Langkawi. I rely on these stamps in my passport to keep track of when and where I've been. So it's kind of disappointing that they didn't stamp my passport for Langkawi.
Anyway, other than a stamp in my passport, there is nothing to miss about Langkawi. We arrived there on a day of a major holiday (Hari Raya Haji). We hired a taxi for RM60, bargained down from RM100, but it's still RM20 more expensive than usual. Just have to take that as their holiday surchange? It took us to town and back. The entire town is dead quiet and unhappening. Only a handful of tourists here and there. Resorts are empty, low occupancy. Shopping centre offers little, few shoppers in sight. Pathetic. Only excitement on Langkawi was our taxi ride. It was as good as a roller coaster ride cos the roads were narrow and hilly, and driver was speeding and seemed in a bad mood.
Thankfully that we didn't followed Siew's family on their trip, which included a visit to a batik factory, padi fields and cable car ride. It was a harrowing experience for her. The tour was overbooked, coach didn't arrive on schedule, cable car couldn't operate as it was too windy, padi fields was empty cos it was a public holiday, batik factory owner wield a saw at the group and hurl angry words at them.
Phuket was more fun. We berth at Patong beach, a very happening place for tourists. Beautiful scenery, fine sandy beach, lots of shopping areas, food outlets, entertainment. We booked an Phuket Overview and Cultural Show tour, which broght us to visit a temple, cashew nut factory, Thai cultural show and onto a hilltop that overlook Phuket town for photo stop.
On board, we tried out as many activities as possible. I played Bingo and tried rock climbing for the first time. Attended origami, line dancing, towel folding classes. Best of all, Siew and I managed to sneak away for some "ME" time at the spa and had plenty of chats along the journey while watching the kids play. It's so good to be able to relax and catch up with each other. Ed and I sneaked out every night after QY slept, mainly to supper, then strolled along the decks, enjoy the moon and the stars, ocean breeze and each other's company. QY had a wonderful time on board too. She loves climbing up and down the pull down bed. And I think she enjoys the fact that she gets to co-sleep with us cos she sleeps so well every night. Food was plentiful and she gets to eat lots of ice creams, cakes and strawberries (her favourite) every day.
She had a great time playing with BY and his cousins too. It's good to have play mates on a trip. Helps to keep her occupied, otherwise she simply clinged onto us and wants to be carried by Ed all the time. She was especially affectionate towards baby Adele, BY's 10 mth old cousin, and keeps looking out for the baby. Not sure if she sees the baby as a doll to play with, or someone for her to fuss over, or is it simply a case of nurturing nature, but it does makes me more motivated to have another sibling for her. They also attended the on board play group for a short while. She wanted us to stay with her at the play group but they didn't allow adults accompaniment. In the end, Ed and I had to take turns to stand outside the room but within her sight for a whole 1 hour, liken to students standing outside the classroom as punishment. But it's a milestone for her to be on her own and to play with a English speaking facilitator and 5 other kids.
QY and BY playing outside Windjammer Cafe. Background: Counter to get beverages and drinks and QY's favourite ice-cream.

Both photos taken at Phuket on 3rd day of cruise.
Climbing up and down the ladder of the pull down bed. She cut herself on a sharp edge on the ladder, she got frightened by the blood and cried big time.